Folsom Street Fair (Virtual Show)
September 27, 2020
10:45 am
San Francisco, CA

Tara C Taylor and I performed our song ‘Leather & Love’ as part of the official Folsom Street Fair 2020!

The ‘only in San Francisco’ Folsom Street Fair 2020 is now everywhere, worldwide! Our online kinkfest featuring Margaret Cho, Alotta Boutte and Lance Holman as co-hosts is coming direct to you. Soak in the pleasure and joy of amazing music, intriguing demos, tantalizing performances, appearances by community stars, and multiple interactive adventures. You’ll be supporting the nonprofit that’s raised more than 7 million dollars for our communities while fighting for sexual liberation for ALL! Stay tuned for all the tea on how we’re bringing Folsom Street Fair straight…er, directly into your home!

Show is all day from 10:45am-6:00pm