May 7th/02
Bukowski's - Spoken Word Set
Commercial Drive, Vancouver

Matt's Spoken Word Setlist:

INSECURE/IMMATURE (poem version)
SOSANDRA AND DOG (original poem version)


"Matt, your work is inspiring! Stay the Course" signed, the wind.

Matt’s  performed a unique and rare spoken word set tonight at Bukowski's lounge on Commercial drive in support of his forthcoming record "Sosandra and Dog". Although new at this art form, Matt made an electrifying debut, reading poems and stories written for and about the character SOSANDRA from which the album is based around. The cool thing is that these poems and stories show up on the album in different ways. Matt started the set with the spoken poem INSECURE/IMMATURE (quite different from the song, in fact, it's the poem which inspired the song) then moved on to a piece that was written for the record but never set to music: MY FIRST BORN CHILD. Next Matt read PAIN, an intro to BURN THE BLACK DRESS which he sung a capella using audience participation clapping and snapping as percussion. The highlight of the set however, was Matt's reading of SOSANDRA AND DOG, the original story he wrote which inspired the album and the song - this piece will show up on the album in song form, quite different from the full story! But the audience tonight was treated to a neat sneak preview for an album that is going to be very exciting!

