June 11th/06
Hudson's Landing Pub (night twenty-two)

Vancouver, BC

Photo's (click to see larger):
courtesy of brad pedwell

Mp3's from the show:

undercoverlover/pissing in a river
where do the children play

Matt & Jenn's Performance (set one 9:30pm):

independence day (jenn)
the country song (matt)
tommorow wendy (jenn)
red light (matt)
walking wounded (jenn)
where do the children play (matt)
a night like this (jenn)
oh girl (matt)
when you fall (jenn)
savana (matt)

Matt & Jenn's Performance (set two 11:00pm):

undercoverlover (matt) ->
pissing in a river (matt)
crawl (jenn)
as i go along (matt)
famous blue raincoat (duet)
time (jenn)


    An interesting show tonight - very small crowd (perhaps the smallest yet!) but Matt and Jenn still performed to full capacity with amazing performances of old songs like A NIGHT LIKE THIS, SAVANA, FAMOUS BLUE RAINCOAT and THE COUNTRY SONG. Also there were some really cool new songs in the mix like Cat Stevens' WHERE DO THE CHILDREN PLAY, and Tom Waits' TIME which was a beautiful and glorious closing number.
