August 14th/05
The Railway Club

Downtown Vancouver, BC

Photos (courtsey of Brad Pedwell & Jenn Boyd):
click to see larger

Matt & Brad's Performance:

another forever (brad)
undercoverlover -> (matt)
don't make a sound (matt)
lights up (brad)
halloween (matt)
lay it on me (brad)
the long talk (matt)
bob-o-link way (brad)
as i go along (matt)
heaven's getting older (brad)
jesus gone insane -> (matt)
the slow & painful death of matthew presidente (matt)
faith -> (brad)
i will survive (matt)
snake eyes (brad)
worth his while (matt)
melting (matt)
pissing in a river (duet featuring jenn boyd)
hot white cum (duet)


    Tonight's show at the Railway Club featured an amazing opening set by Jenn Boyd. Matt n' Brad's set was quite long and very powerful! A great way to finish off their summer of gigs! It was truely a set for the fans, with many suprises such as the rarely performed UNDERCOVERLOVER (which was done beautifully), LIGHTS UP, THE LONG TALK, BOB-O-LINK WAY, and the closing song off Matthew's new CD... MELTING which was the first time the 9 and a half minute opus has ever been performed in concert! It was beautiful! The encore was great, PISS n' CUM (you can figure that one out) and Jenn Boyd did some powerful singing!
Unfortunatly the attendance was more than dissapointing tonight, and all the performers were quite let down. Thank you for those who did make it, it was a special night.
